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Ember Bridge

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For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

-2 Timothy 1:6-7


An ember in the darkness...

Fighting for basic human needs and human rights for a forgotten and neglected people group.


11 deaths in 2023 crossing the river:

  • Impassable 3 months/year due to high flow rate.

  • Unpredictable 8 months/year due to flash floods.

     ***Another death as we are developing this website on June 12th...too many...let's go!

Seven villages use this trail as only means of: 

  • Life Essentials: part of 18-mile hike to closest road.

  • Medicine: No medical assistance in over two years due to how isolated they are. 

  • School: Teachers hike in 18-miles from off reservation and children hike across the river to get to the school. 

  • Church: Locals are led thru witchcraft, basic necessities listed above are portrayed as evil. Local pastor hikes across this river to minister.

Local teenage girls are trafficked/abused and abandoned pregnant.

  • Access to education, medicine, and ministry are the leading action to reduce human trafficking.


Ngabe-Bugle Reservation
Comarca, Panama

Ember Bridge would:​

  • Eliminate deaths and accidents.

  • Prevent/reduce human trafficking and sexual abuse.

  • Increase continuous access for education, medicine, community. 

  • Increase life expectancy and quality of life.

  • Create a sense of independence and hope for the local community.


Ember Bridge will be a 100 yard Suspended Bridge

  • Materials:    $210k

  • Tools:             $5k

  • Logistics:     $45k

  • Total:             + contingency = $300k

Construction Schedule


  • Fly in to David, Panama

  • Drive to Santiago, Panama (2.5 hrs)

  • All materials and personnel will helicopter in to the closest village (40 min)

  • House/office out of local church

  • 1.5 mile hike to bridge site (1 hr)

Make a donation

Donations made here will be directly allocated for The Ember Bridge Project.


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